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THCP and CBDP: The (Potentially) New Cannabinoids on the Block

As cannabis research expands, we continue to learn more about cannabis, its characteristics, and its benefits. We already know that the cannabis plant produces more than 400 chemicals, but to our knowledge thus far, only one, THC, gets you high. On December 30th, 2020, a group of Italian researchers discovered two new cannabinoids: tetrahydrocannabiphorol (THCP) and cannabidiphorol (CBDP). 


The THC look-alike, THCP, is allegedly 30 times more potent in comparison to its cousin. However, this isn’t about its strength, but its ability to bind to CB1 receptors when tested in vitro. Researchers don’t know if THCP is more psychoactive than THC, thus, we don’t know if it could produce a “high” in humans. Currently, the results suggest that THCP behaves similarly to THC but at about half a dose. 


CBDP, on the other hand, is significantly less psychoactive. While researchers are focusing on the anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-epileptic activity for this CBD look-alike, it’s not a priority. This is due to the poor binding it has with the CB1 and CB2 receptors. 


For now, the benefits of CBDP and THCP are still unknown. They could have groundbreaking medical applications – or none at all. We won’t know further information until clinical trials are underway, which will not be for a while. 


Although this information is limited, it is still exciting in that it shows how our knowledge of marijuana is constantly evolving and growing! In the meantime, you can check out our Whistler dispensary for all your cannabis needs. And remember to take advantage of our weed delivery in Whistler so you can smoke with ease!